You can search using either a gene name, Ensembl identifier (from ) or Bowhead Whale sequence ID
For more detailed queries you can use boolean (AND
, OR
), wildcard (*
) and range searches ([1 TO 2]
). You can also search for specific terms by grouping them in quotes e.g. "growth hormone". Certain fields are also available for more detailed filtering: ka_ks_ratio, cdna_percentage and protein_percentage. These can be used by following the structure of the next example: ka_ks_ratio:[0.75 TO 0.8]
or protein_percentage:98
. When using filters wildcards are required to get partial matches.
Identifier | Type | Matches |
bmy_14652 | Coding sequence | ENSTTRG00000001651 (Bottlenosed dolphin) FAM86A (Cow) Fam86 (Mouse) |
bmy_14661 | Coding sequence | ROGDI (Bottlenosed dolphin) ROGDI (Cow) ROGDI (Human) Rogdi (Mouse) |
bmy_14663 | Coding sequence | |
bmy_14620 | Coding sequence | |
bmy_14633 | Coding sequence | TTLL8 (Bottlenosed dolphin) TTLL8 (Cow) TTLL8 (Human) Ttll8 (Mouse) |
bmy_14626 | Coding sequence | TUBGCP6 (Bottlenosed dolphin) TUBGCP6 (Cow) TUBGCP6 (Minke Whale) TUBGCP6 (Human) Tubgcp6 (Mouse) |
bmy_14634 | Coding sequence | IL17REL (Bottlenosed dolphin) IL17REL (Cow) IL17REL (Minke Whale) |
bmy_14627 | Coding sequence | ENSTTRG00000012293 (Bottlenosed dolphin) SELO (Cow) SELO (Human) 1300018J18Rik (Mouse) |
bmy_14617 | Coding sequence | BT.27866 (Cow) MIOX (Human) Miox (Mouse) |
bmy_14681 | Coding sequence | CFL2 (Bottlenosed dolphin) CFL2 (Cow) CFL2 (Human) Cfl2 (Mouse) |
bmy_14677 | Coding sequence | MGC142695 (Cow) 2700097O09Rik (Mouse) |
bmy_14675 | Coding sequence | SRP54 (Bottlenosed dolphin) SRP54 (Cow) SRP54 (Human) |
bmy_14680 | Coding sequence | |
bmy_14684 | Coding sequence | FAM120A (Bottlenosed dolphin) BT.47865 (Cow) FAM120A (Minke Whale) |
bmy_14689 | Coding sequence | |
bmy_14687 | Coding sequence | |
bmy_03679 | Coding sequence | GPATCH11 (Bottlenosed dolphin) CCDC75 (Cow) GPATCH11 (Human) Gpatch11 (Mouse) |
bmy_03653 | Coding sequence | CHRNA10 (Bottlenosed dolphin) CHRNA10 (Cow) CHRNA10 (Minke Whale) CHRNA10 (Human) Chrna10 (Mouse) |
bmy_03683 | Coding sequence | ARHGEF17 (Cow) ARHGEF17 (Human) Arhgef17 (Mouse) |
bmy_03684 | Coding sequence | RELT (Bottlenosed dolphin) RELT (Cow) RELT (Minke Whale) RELT (Human) Relt (Mouse) |
bmy_03646 | Coding sequence | RRM1 (Bottlenosed dolphin) RRM1 (Cow) RRM1 (Human) Rrm1 (Mouse) |
bmy_03673 | Coding sequence | PDE2A (Bottlenosed dolphin) PDE2A (Cow) PDE2A (Minke Whale) PDE2A (Human) Pde2a (Mouse) |
bmy_03650 | Coding sequence | PGAP2 (Bottlenosed dolphin) PGAP2 (Cow) PGAP2 (Human) Pgap2 (Mouse) |
bmy_03645 | Coding sequence | |
bmy_14734 | Coding sequence | TSC22D2 (Bottlenosed dolphin) BT.70150 (Cow) TSC22D2 (Minke Whale) TSC22D2 (Human) Tsc22d2 (Mouse) |