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You can search using either a gene name, Ensembl identifier (from ) or Bowhead Whale sequence ID

For more detailed queries you can use boolean (AND, OR, NOT), wildcard (*) and range searches ([1 TO 2]). You can also search for specific terms by grouping them in quotes e.g. "growth hormone". Certain fields are also available for more detailed filtering: ka_ks_ratio, cdna_percentage and protein_percentage. These can be used by following the structure of the next example: ka_ks_ratio:[0.75 TO 0.8] or protein_percentage:98. When using filters wildcards are required to get partial matches.

Search results (53122 matches)

Identifier Type Matches
bmy_16744 Coding sequence
ENSTTRG00000012148 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
BT.33608 (Cow)
Nampt (Mouse)
bmy_16746 Coding sequence
MEX3B (Bottlenosed dolphin)
MEX3B (Cow)
MEX3B (Minke Whale)
MEX3B (Human)
Mex3b (Mouse)
bmy_04240 Coding sequence
SMC1B (Bottlenosed dolphin)
SMC1B (Cow)
bmy_04231 Coding sequence
bmy_04244 Coding sequence
UPK3A (Bottlenosed dolphin)
UPK3A (Cow)
UPK3A (Minke Whale)
UPK3A (Human)
Upk3a (Mouse)
bmy_04229 Coding sequence
PPARA (Bottlenosed dolphin)
PPARA (Human)
Ppara (Mouse)
bmy_04226 Coding sequence
TTC38 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
TTC38 (Cow)
TTC38 (Minke Whale)
TTC38 (Human)
Ttc38 (Mouse)
bmy_04234 Coding sequence
bmy_16887 Coding sequence
APOH (Bottlenosed dolphin)
APOH (Cow)
APOH (Human)
Apoh (Mouse)
bmy_16899 Coding sequence
bmy_16890 Coding sequence
bmy_16893 Coding sequence
SNCG (Bottlenosed dolphin)
SNCG (Cow)
SNCG (Human)
Sncg (Mouse)
bmy_16686 Coding sequence
bmy_16849 Coding sequence
FGFR1 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
FGFR1 (Cow)
FGFR1 (Minke Whale)
FGFR1 (Human)
Fgfr1 (Mouse)
bmy_16860 Coding sequence
STAR (Bottlenosed dolphin)
STAR (Cow)
STAR (Human)
Star (Mouse)
bmy_16857 Coding sequence
DDHD2 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
BT.105310 (Cow)
DDHD2 (Minke Whale)
DDHD2 (Human)
Ddhd2 (Mouse)
bmy_04339 Coding sequence
NDUFB2 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
NDUFB2 (Cow)
NDUFB2 (Minke Whale)
NDUFB2 (Human)
Ndufb2 (Mouse)
bmy_04335 Coding sequence
RAB19 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
RAB19 (Cow)
RAB19 (Minke Whale)
RAB19 (Human)
Rab19 (Mouse)
bmy_04318 Coding sequence
ZC3HAV1 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
ZC3HAV1 (Cow)
ZC3HAV1 (Minke Whale)
ZC3HAV1 (Human)
Zc3hav1 (Mouse)
bmy_04340 Coding sequence
BRAF (Bottlenosed dolphin)
BRAF (Cow)
BRAF (Human)
Braf (Mouse)
bmy_04330 Coding sequence
bmy_16731 Coding sequence
bmy_16727 Coding sequence
bmy_16880 Coding sequence
PRDM16 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
PRDM16 (Cow)
PRDM16 (Human)
Prdm16 (Mouse)
bmy_16879 Coding sequence