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You can search using either a gene name, Ensembl identifier (from ) or Bowhead Whale sequence ID

For more detailed queries you can use boolean (AND, OR, NOT), wildcard (*) and range searches ([1 TO 2]). You can also search for specific terms by grouping them in quotes e.g. "growth hormone". Certain fields are also available for more detailed filtering: ka_ks_ratio, cdna_percentage and protein_percentage. These can be used by following the structure of the next example: ka_ks_ratio:[0.75 TO 0.8] or protein_percentage:98. When using filters wildcards are required to get partial matches.

Search results (53122 matches)

Identifier Type Matches
bmy_15221 Coding sequence
SACS (Bottlenosed dolphin)
SACS (Cow)
SACS (Minke Whale)
SACS (Human)
Sacs (Mouse)
bmy_03755 Coding sequence
TEX13A (Cow)
bmy_03754 Coding sequence
ODZ1 (Cow)
TENM1 (Human)
bmy_15282 Coding sequence
bmy_15402 Coding sequence
bmy_15171 Coding sequence
bmy_15376 Coding sequence
ENSTTRG00000011859 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
PLEKHO2 (Minke Whale)
PLEKHO2 (Human)
Plekho2 (Mouse)
bmy_15370 Coding sequence
bmy_15375 Coding sequence
PIF1 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
PIF1 (Cow)
PIF1 (Minke Whale)
PIF1 (Human)
Pif1 (Mouse)
bmy_15211 Coding sequence
bmy_03781 Coding sequence
SF3A1 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
SF3A1 (Cow)
bmy_03783 Coding sequence
SYNPR (Bottlenosed dolphin)
SYNPR (Human)
Synpr (Mouse)
bmy_03780 Coding sequence
C3orf49 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
C3ORF49 (Cow)
C3orf49 (Human)
bmy_15367 Coding sequence
bmy_15351 Coding sequence
PTCHD1 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
PTCHD1 (Cow)
PTCHD1 (Human)
Ptchd1 (Mouse)
bmy_15353 Coding sequence
ACOT9 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
ACOT9 (Cow)
ACOT9 (Minke Whale)
bmy_15309 Coding sequence
SPATA18 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
BT.51755 (Cow)
SPATA18 (Minke Whale)
SPATA18 (Human)
Spata18 (Mouse)
bmy_15306 Coding sequence
bmy_15341 Coding sequence
TSEN54 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
TSEN54 (Cow)
TSEN54 (Human)
Tsen54 (Mouse)
bmy_15325 Coding sequence
ICT1 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
ICT1 (Cow)
ICT1 (Minke Whale)
ICT1 (Human)
Ict1 (Mouse)
bmy_15332 Coding sequence
bmy_15340 Coding sequence
CASKIN2 (Bottlenosed dolphin)
CASKIN2 (Human)
Caskin2 (Mouse)
bmy_15321 Coding sequence
USH1G (Bottlenosed dolphin)
USH1G (Cow)
USH1G (Human)
Ush1g (Mouse)
bmy_15317 Coding sequence
GRIN2C (Bottlenosed dolphin)
GRIN2C (Cow)
bmy_15362 Coding sequence
GUCY2F (Cow)
GUCY2F (Human)
Gucy2f (Mouse)